CARAWAY is a medicinal plant known by the botanical name CARUM CARVI , it is carminative, digestive, emmenagogue and galactogogue.
1-Botanical Name.
Caraway is a medicinal plant known by the botanical name CARUM CARVI. It can also be called cumin or anise from the Vosges.
2-Flowering Periods And Harvest Periods.
If its flowering date begins between May and August, its harvest period is during its flowering.
3-Active Substances.
Caraway contains between 3 and 7 percent essential oil, 30 to 70 percent carvone, 30 percent limonene, 10 to 20 percent fatty oil, 20 percent albumin, tannin, serine, resin, sugar, pentosan, and 5 to 7 percent minerals.
4-The Part Used.
The wall leaves.
5-Medicinal Properties.
Caraway is carminative, digestive, emmenagogue and galactogogue.
6- Mode Of Use.
— To counter heavy digestion: drink a hot glass after a meal of an infusion of 10g of caraway for a liter of water, the infusion is for 10.
— To increase milk secretion: prepare a decoction by boiling 4 to 5 caraway seeds for 3 minutes. Drink 3 glasses a day.
— To counter insufficient or difficult periods : take a week before the expected period date, 2 glasses per day of an infusion of 15 g of caraway seeds for one liter of boiling water. Infuse for 10 min.