This medicinal plant, also known as VERBENA OFFICINALIS , it can stimulate with ease the functions of the liver, bile, spleen and kidneys.
1-Botanical Name.
The botanical name of this medicinal plant is: VERBENA OFFICINALIS.
Herb for all evils, heals everything, sacred herb, blood grass, liver herb.
3-Flowering And Harvest Periods.
Its flowering period is limited to the leaves between June and September, its harvest during the flowering
4-Active Substances.
Glucosides (cornine and verbenaline), essential oil (notably citral, terpenes), a bitter principle, mucilage, invertine. emulsin, an unknown alkaloid, tannin and sugar.
5 — The Used Parts.
Leaves, the flowers and the tops of the flower stems.
6-Medicinal Property.
— For internal use : Verbena stimulates the functions of the liver, bile, spleen and kidneys. It is diuretic, expectorant and slightly sudorific. It is used in cases of obstructions of the liver and bile, jaundice or migraine or rheumatism, chronic bronchitis, ovarian disorders, pituitary disorders.
— For external application. It is used in case of strains or neuralgia.
7-How To Use?
— Against migraine: take a cup of an infusion made with 30 g of verbena for a liter of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes.
— Slow digestion, aerophagia: take a drink after meals infusion of 15 g for one liter of hot water, infuse for 10 minutes.
— Against vomiting: take a cup of an infusion made with 15 g of verbena for a liter of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes.